My take on the Black Summer!

There have been a few new apocalyptic movies and shows to come out here recently and I have watched 3 of them so far. I don’t really do reviews over movies and shows, but I felt like I should. I’m curious to see if you have seen any lately that catch your attention? I have … Read more

Planting the Raspberry plants

I went ahead and picked up the saucer for the pot and decided to go ahead and get them planted. I did this last weekend, but didn’t have the time to edit the video. But here it is. Hopefully these turn out great this year.

Medicinal uses for raw honey

Warning Up front you should know that I am not a Dr or Nutritionist, so you should seek medical advice from a trained professional before making any changes to your diet. You should never give raw honey orally to a child under the age of one years old. The reason being, is that it is … Read more

Gardening series!

Seed Starting

So, since moving into a rent house and getting a nice yard, I’ve decided to go ahead and start gardening again. Now it will be a container garden for this year. But if I’m still here next year I do plan on doing a raised bed garden. The reason why it’ll be a container garden … Read more

Best 5 Everyday Carry Knives

Everyone should have a knife on them when they aren’t sleeping and in some cases, when they are sleeping. There are many different uses for knives and each person will have a different preference in what they like. I have used many types of knives over the year’s and I have found these to be … Read more

Why is preparedness important?

When was the last time that you woke up and the water was off, or when the electric was off? Did you know what to do? Did you have water stocked up, or a generator to keep the fridge running? Why is preparedness important you ask? We all need food and water to survive. If … Read more

New years resolution for preppers

This week I wanted to go over what my ten new years resolutions are going to be and I’m curious if you have any for yourself I plan to get in shape and be more active, exercising regularly. Add an extra month’s supply of food to my pantry. Start a container garden. Cut back on … Read more

Animals and Prepping!

German shepherd

This week I went over how animals weather they are pets or livestock can affect out prepping needs. Remember that if you do have animals, you should have a plan in place for them as well. You will also need to make sure you have enough supplies like food water and medicines for each animal. … Read more