Are you ready for lights out?

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So I tried doing this as a writing task to see how much I could write within 30 minutes. I want your feedback. What do you think of this? Do you like it? Does reading this put you in that thought/midset?

What if you woke up and realized that the power was off? You slept through your alarm and now you are late for work! Oh I need to get to work!! You hurry up and get
dressed and don’t even bother showering or brushing your teeth. You get to your car and try to start it, but it won’t start.

You were so happy last year when you bought that brand new vehicle with all of the bells and whistle’s. But now you are setting in your driveway regretting that

You see, while you were asleep, there was a major CME that hit earth, one that was as powerful as the Carrington Event! You along with everyone else on the planet are
thrown into a world of chaos!

As you sit there you realize that your phone wont turn on, you had it plugged in the night before so you know it had a full charge. It has to work. But then you look
up an notice that none of the lights are on. No street lamp’s, no house light’s. Nothing!

You run over to your neighbors down the road and see whats going on? That’s when you find out.

Your neighbor who had been paying attention knew what had happened.

He explains what is going on and tells you that there isn’t much you can do but to just go home and gather your bearings.

So you go home, decide to try and take a shower, the water should still be warm right? Well you failed to realize that the water is pumped to your house with electricity.

You are now all alone. Your spouse was on away for yet another one of those business trips. You don’t have any children to take care of. You are all alone.

As you set there crying, you fall asleep for a little bit. You wake up and it is dark outside. You realize that you are starving because you haven’t ate all day.

Now you go into the kitchen and look through your cabinet’s trying to find something that you don’t have to microwave or use the stove with.

You come across a package of chips and some salsa. You devour the bag of chips.

Although your full now, you start to wonder. What am I going to do? Where am I going to get some food that I can eat.

Oh I knew I should have listened to my husband about him wanting to get us prepared for a disaster.

I wouldn’t let him buy that pallet of MRE’s or the portable propane stove.

I should have listened. I should have let him do what he thought was best.

You decide to go to go down to the basement to see if there was anything that you had left down there to eat.

As you start looking around you stub you toe on a big crate. You think to yourself, you haven’t seen this before. I wonder what it is?

You look inside and realize that there are a lot of supplies in there. Your husband went behind your back to get stuff here and there that he knew yall needed.

You have a slight sense of anger because of it but then you realize, that he was right. Now you have enough food and water to last you until you can figure out what
to do.

As the days go by, you hear more and more commotion going on around outside of your house. You are worried to step outside because you don’t know what new hell awaits.

You decide to just stay put even though you notice your supplies are dwindling down. You realize that you are not rationing your supplies. You don’t want to go out into
the unknown so you decide you cut back on how much you consume each day.

You know that it is what you should do. After not talking with anyone for a couple of day’s you start to get a little depressed.

You think to yourself, what am I going to do? If I stay in here any longer I’m going to lose my mind!

So you contemplate over the next few days what it is that you are going to do.

You have no family close by to go to, and you don’t really have many friends in the area since you have just relocated a few month’s prior.

“knock knock” you are terrified! Who could that be? I don’t know if I should answer or not since I have been hearing all those awful sounds outside the past few days.

You decide to stay quiet. a few minutes later you hear the window next to the front door break. “OH NO! What should I do?”

You set there in shock. not knowing what to do.

you can hear the foot steps draw near. They sound heavy.

The next thing you know, your neighbor is right in front of you. The one that told you about the CME after you went to get answers.

He say’s that he wasn’t sure if you were still here but that he came to check up on you and let you know that we should get out of the area.

See, your neighbor and his family have been prepared, they know what is going on. They know what is going to happen. They also know that you are all alone.

So they invite you to come with them to a safe spot. Their off grid cabin just a little ways out side of town.

Should you stay not knowing if your husband will ever make it back home? “What should I do” you think to your self. You decide to leave a note letting your husband
know that you are safe and that you have went with the neighbors to their safe spot.

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