What can I buy with my $600 Stimulus check?

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Before we get started I need to let you know I am not a financial advisor and you should consult a financial advisor before making any purchase decisions.

There is a lot of things you can buy for just $600, but what are some things that you’re lacking with in your preps?

I for one will be getting a new deep freeze since the last one we ended up leaving in Ohio.

Will you be getting enough to pay off a bill? Most debt that folks carry would be more than $600 unless it is closer to being paid off. If you are to pay off a debt, how much money would that save you each month? Would it be worth it to pay it off or spend the money elsewhere?

That is entirely up to you. If you are looking to get some prepping supplies with your stimulus check then continue reading. If you aren’t looking to buy any prepping supplies with your stimulus check then continue reading! You never know when you’ll need it!

Deep Freeze

Since my main concern is to get another deep freeze, due to the fridge not being big enough for all of us let alone another child coming in a few months, we really need to get another deep freeze.

I really miss having the extra storage space for food so we can actually have a little bit stocked up and not having to go to the store every week.

Buying in bulk can also save money in the long run, in most cases. Some stuff you buy in bulk will actually be more expensive buying it that way, just be aware of the prize per oz or lb ratio.

We are actually going to be buying this RCA 7 CU FT deep freeze it is highly affordable especially for its good ratings. I like that is has the light’s on the front by the dial that way you can visually see that it is running or at least powered on.

How many times have you went to get into a deep freeze in a back room or in the basement to realize its all spoiled? The lights on the front can help you prevent that.

The one thing I’m not a huge fan of is the placement for the temp dial.

Our last deep freeze had it in a similar place, close to the bottom where kids who are crawling can easily flip the dial around. This can be fixed with putting tape over the dial itself if you don’t mind a little bit of residue left behind from the tape.

You can get a deep freeze and still have enough money to stock up on food for it.

Pressure Canner

Canning has been around for many years. There are a lot of folks doing it out there. It can take a bit of money up front to get started but it gives you peace of mind knowing where your food comes from.

There are a lot of communities built around canning, do’s and don’ts, horror stories and success stories. You can search on social media for groups or video’s on canning.

The one canner I have always wanted to get but just never have yet is the All American Canner, I have heard so many positive things about the durability and craftsmanship of the equipment, though they can be a bit pricy, you do get what you pay for when it comes to pressure canners.

My grandparent’s still can their own food from the garden. They have done it for as long as I can remember.

You will need to start off with getting the latest USDA guide to home canning which you can download for free in pdf format. You can print it out or if you would rather you can purchase a copy as well.

Once you figure out what you want to make, you’ll need to make sure you have enough jars and lids. Jars can sometimes bust in the canner, but that is usually due to some imperfection in the jar itself due to a chip or small crack that could be hard to spot, usually when they get dropped.


Portable generators can be very handy to have. You can use inverters for vehicles to use for some portable energy, but having a generator can also help with power outages of for when you’re doing some work on that new piece of land you just got.

They do range in price though, the more watt’s the higher the cost. The same goes for the name. There are some good brands out there, be sure to do your research and get one that would best fit your needs.

I have used generators in the past when we were waiting for the electric company to bring the lines out. We were able to have tv and a fridge, just ran it off of a drop cord. We also had some lamps on it too. It was an older one but it worked. We had borrowed it for the time.

You won’t be able to find one that would run your whole house for under $600 but there are a number out there that can do just what you need for the price.

This is the Champion Dual Fuel 4375 Watt pull start generator. I know pull start’s aren’t all too fun, especially if you have a bad shoulder. There are some that are just push button start.

This one does come with 4 120v GFCI outlets, 3 prong, 1 120/240v twist lock outlet, 4 prong and 1 12v DC outlet.

It can run for 16 hours at 50%. Powered by its 6.5hp air cooled OHV gas engine it has a max starting output at 4375 watts with a running output of 3500 watts this can run a majority of appliances as well as power tools.

So tell me, what are your plans for your stimulus checks?

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