Nutrition and Fitness

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Getting a well-rounded diet is imperative to living a healthy life. If you’re not eating the way you should, then it can affect the way you feel from day-to-day, it can kill your energy and stamina. I use to make sure I’m getting the right amount of nutrients. They offer a free version and a paid version, the paid version is paid monthly, quarterly, or annually.

In order to be able to have the highest chance of survival, you gotta have good stamina, strength helps as well, but if you don’t have the stamina, your strength won’t last long. I myself have slacked off quite a bit since I had started driving, but I continue to do what I can when I can. You don’t have to go to a gym every day or anything like that, but if you do some looking around, your town might have a walking park or trail that you can use, I would walk for an hour before I left out or after I got back from work.

If you have a hard time finding the motivation to get into shape, maybe you can find a personal trainer. There are a lot of them out there that can help you. A quick Google search can help you find one in your area, or your gym might have a list of names and numbers available that you can contact them with.

Be sure to check with your Dr about getting your vitamin levels checked out before you start taking any kind of supplements, because if you get very elevated levels, it could be bad for you. Also, don’t forget to get your yearly check up. They do save lives.

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