Local prepper groups

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Although we all like to think that we can do it all by ourselves, it is just impossible. There are a lot of different aspect’s to take into consideration in a SHTF long term survival scenario. Local prepper groups are great to be involved with. But that does come with added risk’s.

Why you shouldn’t be a lone wolf!

Let’s say that you were to catch a cold or the flu, how are you going to be able to maintain security as well as care for yourself and make sure you have food and water?

You are walking down the road and step on a rusty nail. When is the last time you received a Tetanus shot?

If you were to get injured how will you manage to do all the thing’s that will be required for your survival?

Our mind’s will only allow us to remember a certain amount of information. Some more than others. Think of it this way, do you know first aid? CPR? How about working on vehicle’s or electrical outlet’s? Do you know how to garden? Do you know how to clean and maintain firearm’s? Can you make your own snare’s? There are a lot more aspect’s out there that would be needed in a
survival situation.

Why you should join a prepper group!

Survivability! Sustainability! Safety!

It is 3 month’s after the power goes down, your wife is due for delivery in a few week’s. Do you know how to deliver a baby? A Midwife or an OB Dr. would know how to properly deliver and care for your baby.

A prepper group shouldn’t just be your neighbor’s and friend’s that you’ve known all your life. A prepper group will have as many different skill’s as possible.

A Doctor, Carpenter, Mechanic, Nurse, Electrician, Plumber, Engineer, Farmer or Gardener are all excellent skill’s to have in a prepper group. Sure there are more, but I feel that those would be the most important skill’s for sustainability.

Now I know the golden rule of prepping is to keep it secret. That make’s it very hard to find like minded individuals in your area, with or without the skill’s.

Should I start my own group or join one?

Well that is entirely up to you. Whether you start your own group or you join a local group, you will still need to vet everyone. Even a Doctor should be checked out.

Thing’s to look into would be prior conviction’s. Have they committed murder, a sex crime, stolen good’s, assaulted someone? Now I’m not saying that those who have been in trouble are no good for your group, but you would need to take that into consideration.

One thing that would be very important is to have everyone store enough food and water for their families at the place that you’ll hold up at. A good rule of thumb is to have at least a year’s worth of food and water per person that will be in the group.

How do you know that once you do put that much effort into finding and joining a prepper group that you won’t just be shut out? Well, you don’t. That is a very real possibility. Even if you vet everyone, you still don’t know how their reaction would be to such a life changing event.

How do I find a prepper group?

Well, you can do a search online for your local area. I know back when JADE HELM 15 was going on there were groups popping up all over with different state’s. You could search by the state or local county to find a group.

Word of mouth. Do you have like minded friend’s or family in the area that you can talk with about it? I know that there are very few people that are involved with prepping and survival, but they are out there.

How should I approach member’s?

Well once you find a group, you’ll want to meet up with them. Don’t go out to their place! Meet them at a restaurant or another place that is public. You want to be able to talk with them, find out more about them. If they seem off then use your best judgement.

It is very likely that you’ll meet up quite a bit before you ever get to see where they will hold up at. This is something that it very touchy. Put yourself in their shoe’s, would you like to invite a total stranger to your survival spot? No.

It can be very difficult to put your trust in a group of people that you don’t know. You will need to determine if it is actually worth it or not.

Being a member of a prepper group can be very beneficial, but then again it can be very detrimental. The benefit’s would be not having to do everything by yourself. The con’s is that you could have just put your family with a group of bad people.

You should fully vet every member of your group. If you are starting a group then you will need to first understand what all it is that you will need. Will you be providing the property? Will you have any skill’s to bring to the table?

Remember, not everyone will want you to be a part of their group, especially if you have nothing that will benefit them in any way. Would you want just anybody to be in your group taking up space and resources?

It can and most likely will be very hard to get involved with a group. But like I mentioned before, it can be very beneficial for you.

Maybe you don’t have skill’s but you do have property, that can be a very good asset for you.

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