How to freeze Bananas!

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If you’re like me and just about everyone else out there, you really want to stop wasting money.

One of the biggest money wasting thing’s we do is to throw out food. Now that can be left over’s, but a good amount of food that is thrown out is produce that has just sat there waiting to be used, but never got around to it before it went bad.

I like to freeze my bananas not only because it saves money, but it also saves time.

I use most of my bananas for smoothies, so if I can freeze them and get them bagged up and ready to go on the weekend’s then that’ll help save me time throughout the week.

You can use parchment paper to put the bananas on until they freeze, then throw out the parchment paper, or you can buy a silicone baking mat.

I really enjoy using these because they can save you so much money in the long run! You can use these in the freezer or the oven! Simply just wash them off in the sink and set them out to air dry!

Can you Freeze ripe bananas?

Absolutely! I only enjoy ripe bananas. If the bananas are green, I don’t like to eat them.

Now you can certainly freeze bananas at any stage of the ripening process, but if you wait until they peel’s start to brown, they have a sweeter taste!

How long can you freeze the bananas for?

I usually don’t let them get passed 6 month’s in the freezer. Don’t let them set too long in the freezer without being bagged up.

I try not to go past a day in the freezer until I get them bagged up. I have noticed that the longer they are in there without bag’s, the more they turn brown.

How to freeze Bananas?

You DO NOT want to just toss chopped up bananas into a bag to freeze, this will give you more headaches in the long run with trying to break them apart.

You will need to get your baking sheet ready (parchment paper or a silicone baking mat).

Although you can just peel the banana and freeze it whole, it is best if you either break it in half or cut it into small 1″ chunks.

One you got the bananas the size that you prefer, you can either spread them out on the baking mat, or toss them on there and wait until you move them into the freezer to spread them out.

Either way you’ll want to make sure that once they are in the freezer that they are not clumped together. Space them out. If you let them freeze while touching one another, you’ll have yourself a big chunk of frozen bananas.

Leave them in the freezer for about 3 to 5 hours. Try not to forget about them and let them set in the freezer for 3 to 5 day’s.

Once frozen, you can close the door, grab you some freezer bags and a marker. Write down the date that you froze them and how many bananas each bag will contain or just label it bananas.

Once you do that, grab the mat out of the freezer and start bagging up the chunks.

Then simply place the freezer bags in the freezer or deep freeze.

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