How do the homeless survive?

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No matter where you go in this world, there will be homeless people. How they got there is different for each individual. One thing they have in common though, they are all surviving in their own personal SHTF scenario!

I remember back in 2008 when the housing market took a dive. People would have rather killed their families and then themselves than to have to lived the life of a lower classed citizen.

I remember hearing the stories of those people. Sure a lot did buck up and get on with life, but not all did.

I see a lot of homeless individuals and families for that matter in my line of work. I’ve had the privilege of being able to talk with a few here and there as well as give some bottled water or food from time to time.

What can we learn from the homeless on how to survive?

Finding Shelter!

Your best bet would be to find a shelter, at least in the winter months. Although homeless shelters are not all that safe due to crimes like theft, assault and rape; You should really weigh your option’s. Not all homeless shelters are going to be full of crime.

Also if you do rely on homeless shelters, you run the risk of not being able to have a spot. There are a lot of folks turned away because they are out of spots. This happens even when its below freezing. Keep that in mind!

You can invest in a tent, or you can make due with a makeshift shelter.

Box’s are decent if the weather is dry out, but if they get wet, they aren’t too effective. Unless you have some plastic to place under and over it.

Never sleep under a loading dock! The loading dock’s are great for blocking out the wind, but if someone comes in with a delivery and you are covered by cardboard, then you will likely be crushed when they back up to the dock. This has happened too many times.

With that being said, don’t sleep under vehicle’s. Truck’s in particular. Not every driver will do a pre trip, so if you’re asleep under the truck or trailer and they take off you can be ran over.

There is some heat put off by the breaks and tires that can help warm a cold individual up, as well as sleeping near the landing gear, because chances are the truck will be running all night or at least off and on and that will help to warm you up as well. But this should never be done!

Some folks will check for unlocked vehicles, that will get them out of the element’s, but do this at your own risk. You never know when the owner of the vehicle will be coming back. This could end deadly for you, or in jail.


Churches used to be a option to use as a shelter, but not so much currently. There are still a few good places that are willing to help, but a lot have been burned in the past. It’s hit and miss really.

Staying warm!

There are a few techniques used to help stay warm in the colder months. Sure the most obvious would be to go to a shelter, but that isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Especially after SHTF!

Usually you can stay warm by just layering up. Wearing multiple layers of clothes depending on how cold it is, can keep the body vary warm. Although being too warm can cause you to sweat, which can be bad, so if you start to sweat, try taking a layer off.

If you are still too cold and you have ran out of layers too add, you can use newspapers. We have all read one at some point in our lives, some read them every day. But how can they help keep us warm?

You can wad newspapers up and stuff them in your clothes, place them between the layers. This can prove to be very effective insulation. You can also use plastic bags in place of the newspapers.

Never use fiberglass insulation! You will learn to regret that!

Finding food and water?

You can go around to the local restaurants and ask for their scraps (their not likely to just give food away, but it doesn’t hurt to ask).

If they refuse to give a meal, or even the scraps, you can wait until end of business and search through the trash for food.

Now this doesn’t seem very appetizing, but if you are starving, hunger is the best spice there is.

You should always try to heat up food, this helps kill the bacteria but that isn’t always an option so keep that in mind.

If you have the ability, get yourself a small fishing pole. Now I know a lot of places have game wardens that enforce the permit law even for the homeless, but if you do go to jail, most times you will be warm and have some grub.

I don’t know how it is with every town, but I think most do have water fountains around parks and event centers.

You could also drink from a local water way. If you get your hands on a waterkey then you can have access to water pretty much anywhere there are commercial buildings.


You see it everywhere it seems. Major cities, small rural town’s. All across this nation. People asking for money or supplies at intersections.

In the past I have given money to people with signs asking for money, but I stopped that once I started driving OTR. I noticed that the same people would have different signs with a new crisis asking for money.

I still offered them supplies though, they wouldn’t take it. They just wanted the money.

So if you ever find yourself having to beg, you should ask for supplies over cash. This will likely end with a better result.

Beware that a lot of cities have laws against panhandling, so you could go to jail in some places.

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