3 Ring Prepping Binder

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This is something so simple and easy to set up, yet can be so very helpful down the road!

I had originally set this up a few years ago when I lived in another state, so I figured now that I have recently moved, it would be a good time to update everything!

Now there are a few way’s you can do this. You can write it all out or you can type it out on a computer and print it out. You could also just write it all down in a notebook.

I prefer to have it all in a 3 ring binder simply because it can last much longer!

My 3 ring binder!

You can find these just about anywhere at any time of the year! If you want to you can spruce up the cover a bit but that is completely optional

Why should I put a Prepping binder together?

There are a few reason’s why these can make your life so much easier.

Let’s say for example:

You’re at work about an hour from the house. Your wife or kid call’s you up and say’s the water line broke and its flooding the house. They don’t know what to do!

You can simply walk them through what they need to do in order to shut the water off until you can make it home to fix it, or call the plumber.

Now what would have happened it they weren’t able to get ahold of you or anyone else? You would come home to quite a disaster.

Having a Prepping binder or Emergency binder can really save the day!

What do I need to put in there?

You can put just about anything you want in there.

Thing’s like how to shut the water or electric off, contact number’s, account login’s, fire starting techniques and much more!

What I currently have in mine are thing’s like account info and log in’s. We should always keep track of our account info that way we never get locked out of the thing’s we need when we need them the most!

I also have Amateur Radio frequencies which I will be updating some of them for my new area.

I have camping and bushcraft tip’s as well as other helpful SHTF idea’s.

I will also have to update for the local wildlife, thing’s like what poisonous plant’s or venomous snakes are in the area.

The Binder isn’t necessarily for you, although it can help you, it is a big helper for the kid’s or other loved one’s that find themselves in a bad situation when you’re not around!

Do I need to have plastic sleeves or divider’s?

Absolutely not! But They can make thing’s much easier on you!

3 Ring Binder plastic sleeves

Think of it this way, if you’re outside on a camping trip and you’re having trouble with something, you decide to break out the binder, then it start’s to rain, your pages will get wet and more than likely be ruined!

This could also happen if your water line breaks and the kid’s are home and they need the book to help walk them through what to do.

Putting the pages, weather hand written or printed out in plastic sleeve’s can not only prevent the pages from getting wet, but also prevent them from ripping or getting dirty.


Also with having divider’s you can make it more easily thumbed through as well as easier to find each section!

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