What to know before buying a homestead!

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For a long time now, I have been wanting to buy us a place to turn into a homestead. But the more I think about the requirement’s for the property the longer it takes to pin point great location’s. There are a lot of aspects to consider before making a major purchase like the piece of land you’ve always dreamed about. These will always vary from person to person. I want to let you know the thing’s that I consider when looking for property.

Geographic location

Location location location! That is what it is all about isn’t it? For some that are bound to a certain region for work or other reason’s, you really don’t have a big selection to choose from. But just because you are limited doesn’t mean you wont find the best place for you and your family.

For me I want to be at least 100 miles from a major metropolitan area. The reason being is that in a SHTF scenario, I don’t want to be within a day’s walk from a major city. I figure everyone is different but the average walking speed for folk’s is around 3 miles an hour. Some are faster some are slower.

It also gives plenty of obstacles for those that would be leaving the city, to reach my family. There are plenty of other properties and river’s that people would have to cross in order to reach my location. Now I know that there will come a time when folk’s will reach me, there is just no way around that, it will happen.

Environmental hazard’s

The big thing I consider with environmental hazard’s is how close is the nearest Nuclear Power Plant? Even though they say you are safe if you live out of the 50 mile zone, I prefer to be farther. Around 100 miles at the minimum but the further the better.

Industrial plant’s? Are there any local industrial plant’s around the use’s harsh chemicals that can contaminate the local environment? Soil, water, and air pollution? We always hear of accident’s happening, whether at human fault or not, it happens.

You will want to have the water tested as well as the soil for any kind of previous contamination. Something else to test for, which you may have heard commercial’s about is Radon. There is a special test that they have to perform in order to determine if it is present.

The most important thing we need in order to survive is oxygen. If you have a hard time breathing as a lot of folk’s do, you wouldn’t want to buy your dream place and find out that there are some nearby industrial plant’s that emit odor’s that are hard for you to breathe.

If you have a creek or river flowing through the property, you’ll want to make sure there aren’t any potential contaminates upstream.


Have you thought about homeschooling your children? Maybe public or private school? Now every where you go there will be public schooling, maybe even some private school’s here and there. But if you’ve decided on homeschooling, you’ll want to check with the county to see if they
allow you to home school your children. Maybe they have restriction’s or set rule’s that you will have to abide by.

Mineral right’s!

If you want to be able to have your own water well, you’ll want to make sure the seller of the property has the mineral right’s that will transfer over to you at the time of purchase.

Make sure you see the documentation, or even consult with an attorney to have them go over all the paperwork to make sure it all is legal.

Building restriction’s!

There are some area’s that have building restriction’s even for those out in the rural area’s of the county. Tennessee is a good state that has unrestricted building codes in some area’s.

Severe weather?

Have you thought about the potential for severe weather in the area? That can range from blizzards in the winter, to tornadoes and hurricanes in the spring and summer.

Can’t forget about flooding hazard’s or wild-fire danger. There are places that are always in a drought, and some that always seems to get soaked.

What is the best location for you?

Like I mentioned before, everyone is different. We all have different want’s and need’s. Some are confined to where they are currently and other’s are not. If you are able to work from home, have you made sure there is internet access where you will move to?

Do you want to be on a dirt road or a paved road? Have you thought about the easement, or if there is a driveway leading to the road? Would you rather just have an ATV to get back and forth to the main road?

Is there already rural water or a well on site? Is there Electricity from the power grid on site? Is there an alternative energy system in place? Are you able to collect rain water?

Is there a house or structure on the land? Fenced or cross-fenced? Raw land? Timber? Is there a waterway that passes through the land?

Is the land all rocky and hilly or would it be suitable for planting a garden? What kind of wildlife are in the area? Bob cat’s, Mountain Lion’s, Bear’s, Coyote’s, Wolf’s, Feral Boar?

What is the crime rate in the area? Are there any Prison’s or other correctional facilities near by? Have you thought about the local sex offender’s in the area? Would you be comfortable living down the road from one?

These are a lot of the thing’s that you need to consider when you look into buying a new home or your homestead. Now this isn’t everything to consider, there are plenty of other item’s to consider that vary from family to family. There could be health issue’s to also think about. Those you would want to find out about for the specific situation, things like distance to a dialysis center or Emergency room and plenty of other thing’s.

I did this article to help other’s with things to consider when buying a property. I plan on buying one after my wife finishes off her schooling and receives her degree. This is something we have thought about for year’s but when we went OTR that went on the back burner.

If any of this has been helpful for you, please let me know! If you are looking at buying some property and have some other ideas to add to this please comment below.

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