What are the health benefits of Dandelions

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With the cost of healthcare going through the roof, folk’s are starting to look to more cost effective alternatives to getting better when their sick. There is a whole other world out there as far as alternative medicine goes.

With that being said, I am not a medical professional so you should always do your own research and contact a health professional before starting something new.

There are thousands of plant’s and weed’s out there, some have been thought to have healing properties to them. Other’s have proven fatal. I gotta say, its nice living in these current time’s.

No more wondering if a plant is poisonous or not since access to the internet is literally at your fingertips these days.

The Dandelion

So the Dandelion dates back quite some time actually! The first written records for being used medicinally date back to the 10th and 11th centuries.

But it is believed to have been used back in the 4th and 5th centuries!

Even though this had been used from back then, doesn’t mean that it no longer has its use today!

You can eat every part of the Dandelion from the root up. In fact the root itself contains most of the beneficial properties!

There have been a lot of studies with mice in general to test the health benefits of Dandelion’s, but there hasn’t been many that tested the effect that it has on human’s so do keep that in mind!

Promotes liver function!

Some studies have shown that consuming Dandelions can block toxins that can negatively effect the liver! It can also help reduce the amount of fat stored in the liver, which can cause issues down the line.

Boosts the immune system!

Dandelion Root Extract has been shown to have antiviral and antibacterial benefits! It contains various vitamins and minerals that our bodies need!

Reduces inflammation!

Prolonged periods of Inflammation can actually cause damage to tissue and cell DNA! More testing is needed in humans but with animal trials, it has been shown to reduce the inflammation induced for the studies!

Full of Antioxidants!

Antioxidants help prevent the negative effects to our bodies from free radicals!

Free Radicals occur naturally in our bodies but they can be detrimental to us! Having too many free radicals can actually promote disease growth and for the ladies out there it can also cause early aging!

Natural Diuretic!

Diuretic’s help you urinate more helping the body flush out toxins! Dandelions have been used over the years as a Natural Diuretic! Studies have shown that when mice are given Dandelions it can give them Diuretic effects!

May also fight Cancer!

Although more studies need to be done in human’s research does show that Dandelion Root Extract can help fight colorectal cancer by hindering the movement of cancer cells!

Risks and side effects!

There are some risk’s involved with anything including natural occurring plants!

If you are currently taking medication’s that the liver breaks down, you will need to consult your doctor before consuming any dandelions! Since the dandelions can block the liver from toxins, medications might not be processed right in the body!

Also seeing as how it can be a diuretic, this can lessen the effect of some medications by not staying in the body long enough!

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